Law Commentary

Levant v. Al Jazeera and Levant v The Narwal

Levant v. Al Jazeera and Levant v The Narwal
by Mark Bourrie
February 23, 2024
Levant v. Al Jazeera and Levant v The Narwal

The Ontario Superior Court of Justice released two decisions last week on SLAPP motions filed by defendants of lawsuits launched by Ezra Levant.

I am working on a high-profile defamation case that may involve a SLAPP motion at some point. I am not going to help opponents on the other side, which is one of the reasons I have done so little new posting on this site. Someday, hopefully soon, I can do a deep dive into the two Ontario SLAPP cases recently decided by the Supreme Court of Canada.

I’d also love to go into detail on how I think these decisions might fare on appeal, and to comment on ways Levant’s lawyers could have firmed up their case. Instead, I’ll just post links to other people’s coverage — what little I could find — and to the decisions themselves.

The Cases:

Levant v Demelle

Levant v Al Jazeera

Analysis by Rogers Partners LLP

Canadaland’s list of Levant’s ongoing libel cases:

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